East Meets West 40

Roger and Tom discuss the relative merits of grizly bears, beluga whales and dolphins.  Are goldfish smarter than dolphins? They also talk restaurants in Vancouver and listener comments.

Next EMW delayed

Just got back from a trip and then have a dentist appointment tomorrow.  So it MAY happen tomorrow evening, or it may be until Tuesday.

East Meets West 39

Listen in as our interpid hosts go guerilla style and use yet another recording location with another set of equipment in the never-ending quest to keep the podcast truly random. The two get all techy about Apple and then get all politicky about Tony Blair and as usual end up arguing about Roger’s existence.

Possibly no show this week

I’ve got to go to a wedding on Sunday and Roger’s got an event on Saturday and recording this week hasn’t worked out.  Saturday may yet work out, we’ll see.  Just giving y’all the head sup.