East Meets West 36

The gentlemen discuss posting to wikipedia, imdb, Snakes on a Plane, the blogosphere, Roger’s dating status and take listener comments. Cover art by Udayan T.EMW 36 cover art

Next EMW tomorrow

This time it’s Tom’s fault.  He battled a faucet installation Sunday and was wiped out.  He may or may not spare you details of the thrilling faucet war.

East Meets West 34

EMW 34Roger denies his pre-vertedness, insist he exists and tries to understand Cricket.  Tom also tries to understand Cricket, especially the scoring. They both get serious about the middle east.

Next EMW tomorrow

You know. originally we didn’t do this each and every week.  But Roger so hates to disappoint.  So we’re doing EMW tomorrow.  Today, he’s serving  fish in Modesto.

East Meets West 33

EMW 33The talk centers around sport today. Roger and Tom talk rugby, baseball, soccer, and even the reason for fans of sport in general. Roger refuses to confirm if he is real. The theme from East Meets West is Yummy Yummy Yummy by Balsara and his Singing Sitars.